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- preparing for the “Day of Glory” / preparin pour le «Jour de Gloire»
- Maintenant que la résistance verte a disparu publique / Now that The Green Resistance has gone PUBLIC
- Christoforu Colombu, native of Calvi…had an initial personal revelation which was his impetus for his voyages
- WHY NEVER COMMUNISM or Capitalism/Consumerism: The Third Universal Theory is the ONLY Salvation for our Ailing Planet
- The Great Jamahiriya / LA GRANDE JAMAHIRIYA
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- Aajmall Gibran [JABRAN] Hussain Warfali / auJubran Gibran Aajrd – BANI WALID Hero and Early Martyr
- La Libye est un Jamahiriya vert, mais le monde ne sera pas le reconnaître! / LIBYA is a Green Jamahiriya but the world will not acknowledge it! /
- C’est le Ramadan et la victoire est proche / It is RAMADAN and Victory is nigh
- Marionnettes dernière seulement aussi longtemps que leurs cordes sont attachées / Marionettes last only as long as their strings are attached
General Khamis al-Qathafi of the 32nd brigade
(General Khamis is not dead! he has been winning battle after battle with the 32nd Brigade.)
God is great above the plots of the aggressor
Christmas Card for a Human World (without Sarkozy)
[1] La Presse de Tunisie , Wednesday, April 30 2008, p.4.
[2] Tunis document presents a “very important” for an “advanced status” with the EU, by ben Bouazza Bouazza, Tuesday, March 30, 2010, AP.
[3] signed with the Tunisian Minister of Development and International Cooperation Mohamed Nouri Jouini, he was “to finance” priority areas “, including the promotion of employment, support for SMEs, support for integration, modernization of justice and good governance. , “Ibid.
[4] ” The links between France and Tunisia do not justify the silence of repression”, Jean-Pierre Sueur, Le Monde , January 14, 2011, interview by Alexandre Piquard.
[5] AFP Press Review of 20 March 2011.
[6] ” Let us reject the hypocrisy of the humanitarian war! “, Alternative Libertaire, editorial, March 21, 2011.
see La Presse of Tunis, February 7, 2011, p.2
Posted on 20/12/2011 at 00:48
ALGERIA ISP / Libyan Minister of Health NTC Hamroush Fatima explains that the number doctors in Libya is “beyond the need of the country” and will require that these doctors change their careers or they must leave Libya to work abroad!
Posted: 2011/12/21
From: Source http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=629616?rss
Each of these may have carried 3.41 kilograms of depleted uranium.
240,000 wounded
78,000 missing
10,300 rapes
350,000 refugees
Put this positive energy also around our brother leader Muammar al-Qathafi. Pray at 12 NOON and 12 Midnight in UNITY !
libyan major oil pipes:
Libyan Liberation Front: Territorial Control & Analysis [19.12.2011.]
(4) Tobruk is under tribes control, rats have no power in Tobruk, loyalty is unknown.
In a desperate attempt that is unprecedented, the lying media is running a broad campaign to distort the image of our’ ‘historic hero leader Muammar Gaddafi”, and as such we advise all visitors not to believe these lies that have no basis of truth , and invite you to browse the popular”ZANGETNA”forums,
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» reports that Ali Slaba to launch a bullet when trying to remove the place of saint in the city of Salam Zeliten
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Today at 21:34 by Allah grant victory to Muammar
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Ntmenkm Dr. Ali Hamza Thami
By the brother martyr Rusaifa today at 5:01
Ntmenkm Dr. Ali Hamza Thami
By the brother martyr Rusaifa today at 5:01
نطمنكم علي الدكتور حمزة التهامي
من طرف أخ شهيد الرصيفة اليوم في 5:01
نطمنكم علي الدكتور حمزة التهامي
من طرف أخ شهيد الرصيفة اليوم في 5:01
- The greatest mistake to think that Serbia ruled by Freemasons or any other secret or less a secret society, and an even greater mistake to think that our fate decided by the political elite. Serbian tycoons are just managers, but not the real owners of capital, because the state ruled by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and nothing in our near and distant past have not occurred without the knowledge or permission of the Great Powers and multinacionalonih companies, primarily from the United States – says at the beginning Lucic talks.
You say that Serbia is in fact dependent on America and its tycoons?
- Not only from America, and British intelligence agencies have their tentacles deeply rooted in the events in this part of the Balkans. Even today in Serbia on war between Partisans and the Chetniks, namely conflicts and discuss their descendants and followers, and Tito and Draza were British agents, because neither the General Mihailovich a spontaneous uprising of Ravna Gora, or the Communists organized spontaneously 27th coup of March. It is no accident nor the 1944th Draza was released and Tito proclaimed supreme ruler. When we presented the pyramid who dominates the world, on top of the pyramid there would be coupling the Queen of England, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, below them is the “Council of 13″, namely “invisible Freemasons.” Under the “Council of 13″ is the “Council of 33″, immediately followed by the “Committee of 300″ and “Bilderberg” Trilaterala and then “Red Masonry”. Former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden in 2009, after the meeting “Trilateral Bilderberg” in Athens, came to Belgrade and Tadic gave a directive that Serbia has to dismember regionalization, which now conducts Dinkic, and that, on the other hand, Bosnia must be unitary.
How many Masons have influence on daily political events in Serbia and that there “Free Masons” in the present government?
- Mason has the current government, as there were in previous cabinets, but they do not have as big an impact in the state. The Templars were a lot more “pro-Serb” oriented than Mason, but if there are rulers of the shadows and act, then the more wise and able Serbs should be infiltrated among them. The fate of Serbia is not decided by either the Government or the Parliament, even in the Serbian Orthodox Church, although it has the biggest butt in ordinary people. England lead our church services since the murder of the Patriarch Patriarch Barnabas and bringing Dozic. Nikolaj Velimirovic backed coup 27th March 1941, it was associated with the English intelligence service, because, among other things, and ended up in a German prison camp during the war. The current Patriarch Irenaeus has a duty to drown in the SPC ecumenism. Destroyed our school system, destroyed the army, now being destroyed and the church, all the pillars of the state and society, at the request of the secret services.
Why is America so interested in Kosovo?
- America is interested for Kosovo for the same reason as well as Iraq or Libya, which is petroleum. This was the main reason for the bombing in 1999, and current U.S. and European policy towards Serbia and Kosovo. America and the world’s tycoons want to destroy Russia as the only counterweight to American hegemony. Serbia is in the West and the U.S. sees as a kind of Russian outpost, and we see that America is doing everything that the Russian Federation weaken, and in that order pushes Ukraine into NATO, while Russia is surrounded by U.S. missile shield.
What are the consequences for Europe and the balance of power in the world to have a second phase of the global economic crisis, which many say will be more severe than the previous one?
- Europe next year waiting for a new war, the first after 1945. because the CIA, MI-6 and Mossad are preparing a civil war in Europe that would be saved the world economy and the battered U.S. dollar and restore confidence in it. In this war, Serbia should be by the side, and so are predicted to Tarabic “Kremna prophecy.” As when Murat went to Vienna, and we are opposed to him rather than go along with it. We must be wise and to accurately define who we are enemies in the war in Europe and Muslims. America is now most afraid of Putin and his victory in the presidential election in Russia for several months, and will do anything to physically remove, rather, attempt to assassinate him. Russia and Putin are now the only threat to the creation of the Fourth Reich, and that such Reich, led by the USA, largely saved, they say, and attempts to destabilize China, where they cause economic and political unrest with U.S. agents inserted among Chinese intellectuals, students and political elite , which largely financed by Soros.
So, you believe that Putin will save the European war a disaster?
- Vladimir Putin is now the world headquarters of gathering anti-globalization, globalization and the stench that comes from America and spread to the planet. I had a chance to meet Alexandra Arc, Putin’s advisers, and to be a reviewer of his book “Geopolitics” and, of course, and through him to further meet with Putin’s personality. Serbia needs all the forces working on the idea of Eurasian Union, where we actually place, and our eventual membership in the European Union, if ever it occurs, should be regarded only as a means of transit to the Eurasian Union.
Srecko Milovanovic
Captain Dragan
Are you really you Dragan Vasiljkovic or Captain Dragan, led the 1991st in Krajina, as some believe?
- Yes, that’s true. Captain Dragan I met through the SPO-a 1990. year. Across the Serbian patriots from Chicago, I was following the 1991st he organized his visit to Knin, where he connected with Milan Martic. Cap went there to learn how the Serbs to fight bravely for their people and without dying, but to remain alive for their children and families. We did a long time in contact and I regret now in Australia awaiting extradition to Croatia.
Mr. Tudjman
It is interesting that you were in Belgrade classmate with Miroslav Tudjman, Franjo Tudjman’s son. What kind of memory you stayed Miroslav?
- Miroslav Tudjman and I went to elementary school “Aleksa Santic” but did not go in the same class, because he is two years older than me. Miroslav is, otherwise, excellent scholar and a true gentleman and would not comment on him as a politician.
25th novembar 2011th at 22:00
Tadic means working with them in dosluhu.Tako I anticipated, and in his will for a long time ponašanju.Ali
Dragan – CH
25th novembar 2011th at 23:02
First Serbia has become a “hostage” of the new geopolitical situation in the world. Just our interests and the interests of “globalists” are definitely opposed. In other words, if Serbia accepted all the conditions of “globalists” things would have gone better, but the loss for the Serbs was a large (loss of territory, etc.).
Second There are questions to which “Glibalisti” can be crucial to influence, and vice versa. What is important is the following: that the bad economy in the hands of Serbia (politicians, and criminals trajkuna), as a result of “bad mentality” SERBIAN PEOPLE. As long as the Serbian people do not realize this fact can not be achieved even better future.
26th novembar 2011th at 00:08
Title of the paper is logical and probable, at least in the attempt: for Putin but, at least for now has no heirs, no brakes for the achievement of absolute domination of the U.S. and other kapitala.Verovatno to be all-set to try just a question of Russia’s ability to timely and properly prepare for all these pokusaje.Hijejarhija in the world have long known, and if in our attempt to give it a blur, you know whose servant of the servants what to expect, what is possible to do, and how much is used, and what koristiizvuci from one country! to great need and great people, and there is little in the world! huge number ljidi in Serbia all know and see, but are powerless to do anything, seriously, for such acts is needed and super smart and timely response, timely dialing * Allies *
26th novembar 2011th at 00:34
I read lots of books but his biography of gospodinaLucica does not exist. It is good to know what to expect.
26th novembar 2011th at 00:37
I was not Josef Biden “former”
A citizen
26th novembar 2011th at 03:26
Yeah, man you better think about it, the aliens are to blame for everything, all the bad come with instructions Zapda, etc..! So what did they say NO and Romanians bought teškovodne reactors of Canadians, Croatians say no and keep most of the pharmaceutical industry and in particular does not say what regionalization is carried out by us, the Greeks told not to sell the island, if it all comes from the West? So, can NOT be said? And that evil, however, comes not only from the head of anti-Serb infiltrate our neighbors near and far? How can you just such an accident overtook us and always blame some distant and there nedosegljivi people? And what would the Lučićevom theory that Jesus was an Essene Essenes and if they do not believe in life after death? What, then, Jesus spoke Aramaic? Who understands this attitude of Christ and who understand and those who spread such ideas – all he knows!
And that is only in our scenario does not occur before the Russian collapse of the USSR and …? Take loans and give the money, sell whatever you can, then cancel before the elections, where privatization and pass – pass, and after all be bought when it all collapse amid debt crisis (after the coming write-off), and then no more, no matter who is in power ! Is this the issue or Bildeberg, Council 13 and Fig.! I prefer not been released but was only one of three Yugoslav option in case either party prevails in the war: Tito, Draza and Ljotic, and there are documents that no one wants to quote! After all, what is the language spoken in Banjica Tito in 1944 and, what about the Lord does not say something? Russian? English? Polish? Or is Czech! The recording is very much! When it was certain that the Russians will come to the two of them fell off and the Yugoslav king is in line with the strategy and act – and that’s it!
You bet, but all the blame for our economic collapse here with us and among us! Is the tram rail Bildeberg changed at the Fair for five years after the previous set?
And if there are indeed indications that the aliens might have an interest in the planet’s economy sunovrate start private flight into space, this here is far from any of extraterrestrial activity, because this scenario has already seen! If the act, they only encourage corruption and theft, because in them our money certainly does not apply! This decline is our only attempt to Yugoslavia “mechanism” to survive and the fourth time! Everything else is spreading and zamlaćivanje eyes of the people! Why, otherwise, Serbian obediently still exported electricity in the former Yugoslavia republics, if not to the Yugoslav “mechanism”? Do Bildeberg behind it, or just those here whose grandfathers and made Yugoslavia?
And now this: anyone who spreads anti-NATO propaganda in a situation where there really is no other military options actually works for the Croatian and Kosovo’s independence claim. Never Croatia, and Kosovo would become independent in the territory they now occupy the neighborhood imported quasi rusofili talambasali not here for the Russians, and especially against NATO, and this is because the planning was done only by ex-Nazi Croatia (Ustasha) and ex- Nazi Kosovo (Sandzak Division) could receive the full support of NATO (remember that the Americans are saving them for pilots during World War II), and the strategies they were phenomenally successful! This is not a children’s division of the cowboys and Indians, so it is no more important to Indians and not because it’s just a game – this is a national geopolitics!
Therefore, brethren, the Russians, if you can give us “men” as they help the Americans in 1999 and the military helped the Albanians in Kosovo, please do not be hindered us and wave your red rag in front of NATO as it will be 200,000 Serbs expelled from Kosovo! It has already been completely discredited, and do not need much! We have already been bombed by NATO in Eastern Slavonia, and Bosnia, and Serbia – people were burned, the houses were burning, and even maternity (in Dedinje) was hit and showered us all kinds of feces! Therefore, or help us or not pujdajte more against NATO and do not let more reason to be in NATO and Croatia Šiptarskoj side so badly! Yes in 1991. DEPOS won we would have been on the side of the West and everything would be different – we’d be the first republic to the West, and the only one that actually fought against Nazism in World War II, and then still surviving veterans of WWII there were many!
Help us bar where you can – we reduce the price of gas!
We must not give away more aspirational trumps neighbors! They do not like Americans or Albanians are killed and pretending to fire of love, nor Croats germanofilni them just do not like something, then again the slew of expressing love! And look, the Americans do not like them – but neither have other options!
I am the way, open to all sensible to expose the conspiracy theories, but not to those which are used to just hide it better this our plot, which leads us to collapse and its causes? This here is a combination of domestic banks and domestic franchise broker assisted foreign corrupt politicians who aim to economy, and it cast during the onslaught of hyper-inflation all pokupuju. So anything that anybody nedaju open and make capital by them (but can not collect anything and that), because only flourishes frange trange-business (trade and import-export), so there is no medical tourism, because the school teaches five dead languages – that’s why! Everyone knows who and who is pushing regionalization MITI to implement it! Austria has even said no to this nonsense and demonstrably She threw Carinthian Slovenes dojezične labels!
But it seems that EU politicians are preparing the same scenario of decline and purchases of its stock because it does not matter after if it does … and the Arabic script and socialism can come … any one …
Sami Yusuf, that we are on board, now is precisely the moment when the captain said – Save yourself anyone can, he knows, and knows how!
I think any further comment is superfluous, that is a dangerous thing broke, that patriotism is gone, that journalists no longer recognize truth from falsehood, that the blackness came down from all sides, and that reason no longer plays any role, nor anything more worth! No meaningful comments, no one to say what needs to be done to balance the center (because it does not), which is essentially simple! We had not the first nor the last to have had such problems!
And the question is whether anybody and read this, and how does it say – “never argue with fools because others will not notice a difference” and therefore this needs to stop over! Nobody cares, they know who their who are not, and we do not know or even who our who their, confused by wandering to and fro, neuviđajući the problem. None of the parties to say that if they come to power to stop the further back these loans and will sue the banks that are corrupting politicians gave false credit if it is determined that the value of the works does not match the frenzied amounts that are given – and this game would immediately was over! After all, under international law and debts nenarodnih antinacionalnih regimes do not have to come back and it is clear the risk of banks – even if it passes great, if not, then it …
That’s it! Come on, regards and Cheers!
26th novembar 2011th at 23:13
Mr., each cast. Long ago I read (or heard) something like this really and truly.
كتيبة (الصقر الأوحد) تستولي بفضل الله سبحانه وتعالي علي كميات كبيرة من الدخيرة
Battalion (the only Falcon) capture the grace of God Almighty on the large amounts of Aldkhirh
Gaddafi honest person you rebels said NATO Torghae go to the children you are free, while Idris came out of the sentence, still believed to be slaves must purchase and sale and Wu
King Idris al-Sanusi Allah’s mercy visit to Tripoli in 1968, and during his return by road from Tripoli to Benghazi, he stopped at Torghae and entered a mosque to perform the Maghrib prayer, and coincided with the absence of the Imam of the mosque that day and he does not Torga but from Misurata, After the prayer did not make one of the imam, he asked the king of a presence of the imam and was known in advance proficiency for prayer, said to him, a presence not permissible to pray behind him because he Torga, do you, O King imamate of the audience, it raised eyebrows on the face of His Majesty, the mother is himself to attend, and after the prayer, he asked why he did not permissible to pray behind an imam Torga, came the answer from the audience because the people were kept Torghae slaves fled their masters and not their masters after Iatgahm and as you know, Your Majesty does not covet the prayer behind the slaves.
- Story of a carrier rebels NATO is still believed in the existence of slaves and that the people whom Torghae
-ناقل القصة أحد ثوار الناتو وهو ما يزال يعتقد بوجود العبيد وإن أهل تاورغاء منهم
Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:20PM
Arrested US spy, Amir Hekmati.
A frame grab obtained from a video aired on the Iranian television on December 18, 2011 shows Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, the CIA spy recently detained in the Islamic Republic.
GADAFI Family: AICHA, Safya, Aileen (Hannibal’s wife), Brother-leader, Saif and Hannibal
1. Report Libya: Green resistance has hit 3 Fuel trucks leaving Brega and had short clashes near Brega.
2. report Libya: Qatar Military has declared it will begin Military Mission to secure Saif al islam and Capture his followers.
3. Report Libya: Source met with green resistance and confirmed message from Moussa ibrahim..he said they are very determined to remove rats
4. Report Libya: Entire families are in Hospitals as Water has become poisoned by NATO airstrikes on The Great manmade river. many died.
5. Opinion Libya: baniwalid is simply amazing are now fighting in Tripoli against Militia’s.Chanting pro-Gaddafi songs while fighting criminals
6. Breaking News Libya: Baniwalid fighters are now fighting in Tripoli against Souq Al juma’a Brigade. Rebels are in high alert.
7. report Libya: Green resistance of Baniwalid has Fought against Souq al juma’a Brigade…. heavy fighting at Baniwalid over last 2 days.
8. Report Libya: protests across Libya against Lawlessness and Rape/looting and No electricity or Water and no Money… Winter is very كولد
9. report Libya: people have no electricity or Water in Middle of Winter… its very cold in Libya… NATO only cares about free عيل
10. LIBYA: Yesterday, there were great protests in Benghazi, Tripoli, Derna, Tobruk and Misurata against the corrupt #NTC vermin & ريتز
11. Report Tripoli: according to source..The tripoli port areas and Bab al azziziyah are filled with NATO soldiers…but other areas are militia
12. Report Libya: Green resistance has hit 3 Fuel trucks leaving Brega and had short clashes near Brega.
13. Report Libya: Moussa Ibrahim tells source
1) Report Libya: another day of heavy fighting in Gharyan..Bel haj fighters are rumored to be heading to Gharyan to fight with Green resistance
2) Report Libya: heavy fighting in Ajelat.. The green resistance fought against the lawless militia groups in ajelat
3) report Libya: Zintan brigade clashed with Bel haj brigade in Tripoli near Souq Al juma’a neighborhood.
4) Report Libya: Mass Protests in Zawiyah in support for Saif al Islam. they chanted Allah wa Muamar wa Libya wa bas
5) Report Libya: Source in benghazi says “life has deteriorated even more.. the militia’s are tyrants..only those that please them get life”
6) Report Libya: source in benghazi said “we hear alot about Militia’s groups preparing for war.. Against other cities”
7) Report Libya: Qatar state TV “al jazeera” has been insulting Zintan tribe…calling it “Gaddafi goons”..This is major change in Qatar policy
8) Report Libya: Main Highway to zawiyah from tripoli was closed for 2 hours due to Militia’s opening fire at each others checkpoints
9) report Libya: Militia groups Tried to meet in Tripoli. but meeting was canceled as many Groups refused to take part in the talks.
Olive picking
*spoke at length of General Khalifa Haftar as what is an American agent whose role is to sell to western Libya.
*Dr. Yusuf Shakir asked Zenten tribes not to leave Libya if Tripoli will be delivered to the West.
*Dr. Yusuf Shakir Warfala requires tribes to work with tribes to protect and Zenten free Libya.
*Finally, Dr. Yusuf Shakir asked tribes to contact Zenten syntonize actions. They said that now we are in the same boat.
This picture shows al-Qathafi with his daughter Aisha, a transistor radio in her lap. Aisha was born in 1976.
В Себхе сейчас идут бои.Мятежники обстреливают гражданские объекты и людей тяжелой артиллерией.Говорят,что видели хаммеры с американскими наемниками.
Люди на юге очень спокойные и хотят мира,они говорят ,что в Ливии могут спокойно ужиться все ливийцы,какие бы идеи они не защищали.,но туда постоянно вторгаются то мисуратские боевики,то иностранные агрессоры,то зинтанцы.Натовцы постоянно натравляют своих вооруженных наемников против мирных жителей…а потом СМИ говорят про гражданскую войну и столкновениях между ливийцами.Для того,чтобы скрыть,что на самом деле это иностранное вторжение в суверенную страну.
Поэтому Ливия остается в информационной блокаде.Ведь с самого начала ливийцы стремились к миру и диалогу,они амнистировали взятых в плен мятежников несмотря ни на что,несмот…
V Sabha are underway boi.Myatezhniki shelled civilian objects and people artilleriey.Govoryat severe that they have seen Hummers with American mercenaries.
People in the south is very quiet and want peace, they say that Libya can safely get on all Libyans, no matter what they do not protect ideas. But there is always intruding misuratskie militants, foreign aggressors, we are constantly zintantsy.Natovtsy natravlyayut its armed mercenaries against civilians … and then the media is talking about civil war and clashes between liviytsami.Dlya to hide that fact, this foreign invasion of a sovereign country.
Therefore, Libya remains in the information from the very beginning blokade.Ved Libyans sought peace and dialogue, they are granted amnesty to the rebels taken prisoner in spite of everything, in spite …
There is no power but from God Himself
Ntmenkm Dr. Ali Moussa Ibrahim Maseur
By the brother martyr Rusaifa today at 1:24
Our brother-leader lives!
نطمنكم علي الدكتور موسى ابراهيم
من طرف أخ شهيد الرصيفة اليوم في 1:24
Today at 14:49 by the public against Arashoukratih
Today at 14:31 by Akorah free
Today at 14:22 by Akorah free
Today at 14:13 by front girl
Today at 14:08 by adiga
Today at 14:05 by adiga
Today at 13:53 by front girl
Today at 13:53 by Kamal Kamal
Today at 13:24 by front girl
Today at 13:23 by the Arabian Peninsula
Today at 13:18 by gandopa
Today at 13:18 by alien to my home
Today at 13:16 by the Arabian Peninsula
Today at 13:14 by Sunrise Shammar
Today at 12:13 by Ali Muhammad Abu Bakr
Today at 12:08 by larbi
Today at 12:05 by larbi
Today at 12:05 by I’m drawer
Today at 12:03 by 8090
Znguetna – Forums Libya Free :: Political Forum :: Forum Breaking News
http://www.zangetna.com/t30682-topic?mid=55 المزيد!
By larbi Today at 12:00
Whole, stressing that the project of internationalization of the Syrian crisis will not work because of the Russian position
And China’s refusal to do so.
The American journalist Franklin Lamb said in a statement: that the first team of the monitoring team of the Arab League will arrive Thursday to Syria, but the question …
Great is about the objectivity of the university in the Syrian crisis, believing that history
Indicates that the University controlled by the rulers, and authoritarian states.
Lamb to the role of Qatar in Libya, which he described as non-reassuring, adding that Qatar
And Libya, the encyclopedia to send some of their troops and weapons to Syria, noting that some
Former rebels in Libya, led by Belhadj are now in Turkey with advisers
Benefiting from the support of the United States to extend its control, considering that Qatar is a danger
For the entire region.
Want to internationalize the crisis, the Syrian and the only way to get rid of the system
Assad is going to the Security Council, but considered that it will fail because of
Russian and Chinese position, especially after what happened in Libya and the NATO intervention there.
To listen to the parties to the crisis in an objective manner and without any preconceived ideas, and
Ijmauhm in dialogue, adding that the Arab League has been shown by the capacity of state
In this area.
Dialogue with the regime in Damascus, and considered that there are parallels to the situation with Syria
The Libyan case, saying that NATO would not push for a serious dialogue between the opposition
And order.
Between the regime and the opposition, and whether this dialogue will support the parties
Bank and especially the United States
By Dr. Franklin Lamb and posted in arabic by I’m drawer today at 12:05
Connection from Misurata
By the brother martyr Rusaifa today in 2:36
(Via SomaliaSupport2 Libya)
Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi
Now rats expelled residents of Taorgha area it’s located near Misurata , residents of this area been torturing by rats and some of their sons got killed for the following reasons
1- they are loyal to Gaddafi
2- they are Black people ( they consider them mercenaries )
3- NATO made a film as usual they will bring some families from Syria as Refugees , they will take the houses of Taorgha residents and stay there to show world that many people ran out of Syria because of the Army of Syria killing civilians as the media lies <<< Scenario of Libya will be applied on Syria too .